Prototype Development – A Guide

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Building a prototype is the first step of a successful product development project. If the prototype works well, your patent application will be easily accepted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will easily accept your patent application.

A prototype will also help you demonstrate the idea within the company in an effective manner. Moreover, it’ll simplify the documentation and testing procedures.

Every business aims to make the most of its product development process and make an invention that blows everyone’s mind.

Here’s a brief guide to help you ace your prototype development process.

Explore Ideas

Choosing the product’s design and aesthetics is one of the basic parameters of a products’ development procedure. To develop a recognizable idea that meets the customer requirements, ensure you’re exploring various ideas.

It’s better if you research to understand the latest market trends and then take on a product development project.  To determine product specifications and characteristics, you can also conduct meeting sessions with the development, marketing, and technical teams.

Brainstorming with the senior members will also help create an effective concept sketch.

Virtual Prototype

Creating a digital sketch is the best way to get everyone on the same page.

Visual representation of the concept helps people get a proper insight into how the final product will look and function. There are currently multiple design tools available in the market, such as AutoCAD, which can help you make 2D or 3D renderings of your product concept and visualize its looks from different angles.

At this step, you can also modify the design if you’re not satisfied with any part of the product.

Physical Prototype

Rapid prototyping and 3D printing have made it quite easier for businesses to check the feasibility of their product concept without wasting a huge sum of money.

Once everyone is satisfied with the visual prototype, you can proceed to the next step.

Typically, the best approach to build a physical prototype is to acquire professional prototyping services. After seeing the physical prototype, you may find some mistakes. 3D printing allows the developers to modify the design, and therefore it’s the most popular prototyping methodology these days.

You can keep making modifications unless the product meets your requirements and then submit the patent application.

Looking for Rapid Prototyping Services?

3D printing

Prototyping services are essential to determine if a product idea is implementable or can be turned into a product.

Need a go-ahead?

At Connekt LLC, we have a team of technical experts who will look at your concept and turn it into a tangible product without a hassle. From product design to prototype development, you can trust us for comprehensive design solutions.

Connekt LLC is a reputable engineering design firm with a track record of exceeding clients’ expectations with affordable engineering design services in the Bay area.

Get in touch with our mechanical design engineers in the Bay area to learn more about our 3D printed prototypes.

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