Is Rapid Prototyping Worth it?

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Rapid prototyping is the backbone of the design process. Using it companies can quickly create a model or mockup of an object using the three-dimensional (3D) printing processes. It was invented by Hideo Kodama, a Japanese engineer. Since then it has become an essential part of product development for smart companies. Learn about how rapid prototyping is worth it for companies in this age of rapid change.

Helps Improve Core Features

Rapid prototyping has been a popular method to create models or mechanical parts in an early stage of development, such as modeling and design. It helps companies get feedback on the product from key stakeholders before investing time and money into something that may not be successful. The goal of rapid prototyping is to improve your core features without getting stuck on details at an early stage of product development. For example, if you want to design a new bulletproof vest you might want to test it out using different materials to see which one does the job best.

Similarly, if you wanted to create a new kind of car door that would remain cool to the touch during intense summer heatwaves, you could rapidly prototype your idea by building an object using 3D printing technology and then test it in real-world conditions.

Helps Design End-User Experience

When you’re in the product design and development phase, it’s important to get real-world feedback as quickly as possible, so that you can make changes to your product before bringing it to market. Prototyping is an excellent way of getting this valuable information — fast. Prototypes can be particularly useful when it comes to testing customer journeys, as they allow you to gain valuable feedback from real customers and potential customers.

An engineer working on developing a new product

Get the Best Prototyping Services

If you’re searching for the best rapid prototyping service, then we at Connekt LLC can help. Our experts help you do rapid prototyping to quickly create and test a product before it is mass-manufactured. We are your partner across the production and customer journey.

We provide 3D printing, rapid prototyping, FEA consulting, and other related engineering services to clients worldwide. Check out our portfolio here.

We are proudly based in Grass Valley, California, and can help you improve your product substantially.

Contact us now.

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